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 My Report is stuck in "waiting for audit" state

19-September 00:04#1 Ccoollguy 
Hi, I submitted a report 2 days ago and the status shows waiting for audit. Just curious if this is normal for a report to be in audit state for this long? Also when I go to my "in-audit" report, I am unable to click and open it to view my report. Did I make any mistake while posting it?

Thanks in advance

19-September 02:39#2 porkchops 
I now approved it.
The only mistake you made (unknowingly) is to have a tinyurl.com link in your report. A while ago there were lots of spam messages that had links ending in url.com, so a filter was set up to intercept them...

19-September 04:29#3 Ccoollguy 
Thank you for approving.
I thought the maps link was too long hence changed it to tiny url. Should I refrain from adding tiny url in future posts?

23-September 18:59#4 porkchops 
I now removed that particular filter since it hasn't caught anything in recent months, so for now it's safe to use tinyurl.com