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 WeChat use by WGs

15-March 22:46#1 Caveat_emperor 
In the HK punting scene I often see bros asking for/sharing WeChat contact of WGs. Of course it makes sense for the many Chinese girls to use it since that's their main comms channel anyway, but I also see guys getting WeChats from indo/thai/phil/maybe even some euro girls in this forum. AFAIK wechat is not a very popular platform in any of those places and HKers generally use WhatsApp. In mainland China, authorities including your local police station can access your whole WeChat address book and messages simply from your wechat ID, so it seems like the least safe platform for a WG to conduct business.

Anyways, my question is why is it such a popular platform for girls in HK from diverse backgrounds to use for contacting customers? Really just curious as I'd never use it for that purpose. Thankful for any insight.