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 ampreviews.net error signups

3-April 04:02#1 rrrandom809 

Tried to sign up for ampreviews.net, but there is always a system error no matter what (for the last 6 months at lease). Is anyone a member that can contact staff and let them know? As of now, no way to sign up there. Thanks all.

6-April 09:09#2 cupsumafya 
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12-May 04:31#3 Kaikik45 
I also tried to register at this site probably a dozen times the last couple of months and it is a no go. Is there any tips to register successfully?

17-May 02:01#4 tunaforawin 
That's sucks. I wish they would fix it.

17-May 02:11#5 dimsumnigga 

Looks interesting